
interesting in my life: Lee Min Ho - Yoona, crowned as the Ultimate Visual Affectionate Lover/Couple

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lee Min Ho - Yoona, crowned as the Ultimate Visual Affectionate Lover/Couple

Lee Min Ho and Yoona's performance make them crowned as the affectionate lover or couple.
Lee Min Ho and Yoona is doing a commercial for a French premium outdoor clothing brand, and both of them is doing the commercial at the 31st of July, proceeding with the shooting since they're doing the shooting for the FW (Fall-Winter) season. 
Some of Lee Min Ho and Yoona's photos for the commercial were already published online, and there's a sweet lovers atmosphere on the commercial that Lee Min Ho and Yoona's doing.
Netizens is giving some comments for their commercial, such as " They're doing it like a real sweetheart, look good...", " Warm Visual Couple.." were their comments.
Lee Min Ho and Yoona is doing the commercial after Jang Hyuk and Cheong Jang Myeon doing the commercial last season. Meanwhile, choosing such young model and representatives like Lee Min Ho and Yoona, Eider hopes and expect that they could bring, delivering warmness and familiarity to the consumer.

Original Korean Text:

이민호-윤아, 다정한 연인 포스 '최강 비주얼 커플' 등극

[티브이데일리=김진경 기자] 연기자 이민호와 윤아가 다정한 연인으로 분했다.

프랑스 프리미엄 아웃도어 브랜드 아이더의 모델로 발탁된 이민호와 윤아가 31일 FW 화보 촬영을 진행했다.

온라인을 통해 공개된 촬영 현장 사진 속 이민호와 윤아는 손을 잡고 다정한 연인의 분위기를 연출하고 있다.

사진을 접한 누리꾼들은 “진짜 연인처럼 너무 잘 어울린다”, “훈훈한 비주얼 커플”이라는 등의 반응들을 보였다.

한편 이민호와 윤아는 장혁과 천정명의 뒤를 이어 올 가을부터 ‘아이더 프렌즈’로 활동하며, 아이더의 대표 모델로 소비자에게 친숙함을 전할 예정이다.

[티브이데일리=김진경 기자 news@tvdaily.co.kr/사진제공=아이더]

Original Source: newsnate
English Translation: Monika

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