
interesting in my life: "City Hunter" Lee Min Ho " I can't stand father's reckless stupid acts" to Kim Sang Jung

Friday, July 22, 2011

"City Hunter" Lee Min Ho " I can't stand father's reckless stupid acts" to Kim Sang Jung

Kim Sang Jung is still on his fantasy to complete his revenge.
SBS Drama "City Hunter" is airing their 17th episode on 20th of July when the cold-blooded Lee Jin Pyo (Kim Sang Jung) that wants revenge is making a shocking appearance to Lee Yoon Seong (Lee Min Ho).
President Choi Eung Chan (Cheon Ho Jin) is preparing a lunch and he invited Lee Yoon Seong, but it seems that Lee Jin Pyo was there also. Lee Yoon Seong know that Lee Jin Pyo was there, but he try to remain calm since there's no sign of something bad would happened, but he still worries.
After the speech during the lunch, as Lee Yoon Seong worries, suddenly a shot of paint got into Kim Na Na (Park Min Young) that escort the president at that time. Lee Jin Pyo, in the middle of the accident, leisurely watch that happens and continuing slicing and eating his steak, smiling and didn't look shocked at all. 
After the lunch, Lee Yoon Seong came to his father and said " Father, if you try to threaten Na Na, you shouldn't forget that you're only endanger yourself..." to Jin Pyo. Lee Jin Pyo said " She's a very decent person, that Kim Na Na.." to Yoon Seong, makes Lee Yoon Seong said " I'm tired of your stupid and reckless acts.." and " The fifth target, who is it? " asking his father.
And Lee Jin Pyo said "You have to do it in order.." and " You even couldn't handle Cheon Jae Man yet.." finishing his conversation with Lee Yoon Seong and walks away.
Meanwhile, the president Choi Eung Chan seems to be in shocked at the presence of Lee Jin Pyo also, and Lee Jin Pyo who already knew that fifth target makes the viewers fell in curiosity.

Original Korean Text: 

'시티헌터' 이민호 "아버지 어리석은 무모함에 질려" 김상중에 '버럭'

[신경진 인턴기자] 김상중이 꿈꾸던 복수를 완성해 가고 있다.

7월20일 방송된 SBS 수목드라마 '시티헌터' 에서는 복수로 냉혈한이 된 이진표(김상중)의 모습에 이윤성(이민호)이 경악을 했다.

최응찬(천호진) 대통령이 마련한 만찬 자리에 윤성과 더불어 진표가 등장했다. 갑작스러운 진표의 등장에 윤성은 긴장을 하며 행여 진표가 사고라도 칠까 염려한 기색을 감추지 못했다.

윤성의 걱정대로 만찬 도중 최응찬 대통령이 물감 총에 맞게 되면서 청와대가 쑥대밭이 되었고 나나(박민영)가 몸을 날려 대통령을 호위했다. 그 와중에도 진표는 웃으며 한가롭게 스테이크를 썰고 있어 지켜보던 윤성을 경악하게 했다.

이에 윤성은 “나나 위협하시려다 아버지까지 위험해 질 뻔했다”며 이야기를 시작했다. 이에 진표가 “나나 제법이 더구나”라고 말하자 윤성은 “아버지의 어리석은 무모함에 질렸다”며 “5번 째 타겟은 누구냐”고 물었다.

이에 진표는 “일에는 순서가 있다”며 “아직 천재만(최저우)도 못 잡았다”고 끝내 말해주지 않아 윤성을 긴장케 했다.

한편 진표의 등장에 최응찬 대통령이 지난날 과오 때문에 두려움에 빠졌다. 과연 진표의 마지막 타겟이 누구일지 궁금증을 자극하고 있다. (사진출처: SBS '시티헌터' 방송 캡처)

한경닷컴 bnt뉴스 기사제보 star@bntnews.co.kr

Original Source: newsnate
English Translation: Monika

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