
interesting in my life: "City Hunter" Lee Min Ho finally knew all the secret of his birth, Kim Sang Jung already knew

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"City Hunter" Lee Min Ho finally knew all the secret of his birth, Kim Sang Jung already knew

Lee Yoon Seong (Lee Min Ho) finally knew that his father was the president Choi Eung Chan (Cheon Ho Jin), while he's always told by his father Lee Jin Pyo (Kim Sang Jung) that he should take a revenge.
SBS is airing the 19th epsiode of their drama "City Hunter" (written by Hwang Eun Kyeong and Choi Su Jin, directed by Jin Hyeok) on 27th of July, where Lee Yoon Seong is learning the secret of his birth.
Lee Yoon Seong was in the middle of catching Cheon Jae Man (Choi Sang Woo) that escape from him. And he's always questioning himself, and finally realize that he should ask his mother Lee Kyeong Hee (Lee Mi Sook), saying that he already know everything. Lee Yoon Seong finds his mother and ask her for the truth, and his mother began to dig on the past.

Lee Yoon Seong is looking for information about his biological father when he heard this about his mother Lee Kyeong Hee "Lee Kyeong Hee is pregnant with another man's child while she marries. But the man she married to (her husband) accept her for everything she was. But after she's married, her husband is missing, so does her child (son)..Her life was hard..." heard Yoon Seong, interviewing a woman.
After that, Lee Yoon Seong knew from Kim Na Na (Park Min Young) that the president Choi Eung Chan is looking from Lee Kyeong Hee. Resisting at first, but then remembered the scene with other people, Lee Yoon Seong finally realize at the end, he guessed that president Choi Eung Chan was his biological father.
Navigated by the facts, Lee Kyeong Hee confirmed what Yoon Seong said. Lee Kyeong Hee said "Me being pregnant of you, and when you're born..he doesn't even know...and then Park Moo Yeol (Park Sang Min) is helping..i'm sorry for being that kind of person..." she said.
Confirming that he's Cho Eung Chan's son, Lee Yoon Seong go to Lee Jin Pyo's place. "Why are you doing this? you raised me since i was a child, but lie to me, saying that i was another man's son?" said Lee Yoon Seong in sadness. And when Lee Jin Pyo didn't say anything, he said " Because of you, my life was broken..i'll make sure you're paying the price.."

Original Korean Text:

‘시티헌터’ 이민호, 출생의 비밀 다 알았다! 김상중에 복수예고

[뉴스엔 유경상 기자]

이윤성(이민호 분)이 자신의 친부가 최응찬(천호진 분) 대통령임을 알았다.

7월 27일 방송된 SBS 수목드라마 ‘시티헌터’(극본 황은경,최수진/연출 진혁) 19회에서 이윤성은 출생의 비밀을 알게 됐다. 자신의 삶을 엉클어트린 이진표(김상중 분)에게 복수를 예고했다.

이윤성은 도주한 천재만(최정우 분)을 잡기로 했다. 천재만이 히든카드라면서 이경희(김미숙 분)를 찾아왔다는 사실을 알게 됐다. 이윤성은 천재만이 어머니를 찾는 이유에 의문을 품었다. 어머니의 과거를 캐기 시작했다.

이윤성은 이경희의 지인에게서 “경희가 다른 남자 아이를 임신한 채 결혼했다는 소문이 있었다. 그 남자가 다 알고 받아줬다고 하더라. 그렇게 결혼했는데 남편은 죽고 아이는 실종됐다. 걔 팔자가 참 기구하다”는 소리를 전해 들었다.

이어 이윤성은 김나나(박민영 분)에게서 대통령이 이경희를 찾고 있다는 사실을 알았다. 이윤성은 자신과 최응찬의 식성, 주위 사람들의 말 등을 떠올려 최응찬이 자신의 친부라는 사실을 짐작했다.

이윤성은 이경희를 찾아가 사실을 확인했다. 이경희는 “그 사람은 내가 임신을 하고 네가 태어났다는 사실을 알지 못한다. 너와 나를 살린 사람은 박무열(박상민 분)씨다. 엄마가 이런 사람이라 미안하다”고 했다.

최응찬이 친부라는 사실을 확인한 이윤성은 이진표를 찾아가 “왜 다 알면서도 나를 다른 사람 아들로 키운 거냐”고 다그쳤다. 아무 말 없는 이진표를 향해 이윤성은 “내 삶을 엉클어트린 대가 곧 치르실 거다”고 선언했다.

유경상 기자 yooks@

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com
copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

Original Source: newsen
English Translation: Monika

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