
interesting in my life: May 2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

“City Hunter” Lee Min Ho Fights With …SPOONS?!

In tonight’s episode of “City Hunter,” Lee Min Ho will show off his action skills as he officially starts his quest to bring down the “group of five.” The first and second episodes introduced the viewers to a strong multi-talented Lee Yoon Sung, who’s skilled in both martial arts and gunnery. However, SSD stated that Lee Yoon Sung will fight with a different unconventional tool in episode 3.

The filming took place on May 15th at a seafood restaurant in Seoul. Lee Min Ho sported an all-black look topped with a black hat to cover his face. Since his debut, Lee Min Ho has played various characters, ranging from the snobby yet naive Goo Jun Pyo to the clean freak, mistaken for gay, Jun Jin Ho in “Boys Before Flowers” (2009) and “Personal Taste” (2010) respectively. Despite “City Hunter” being his first action role, Lee Min Ho has been receiving praises for his vast improvement in acting and hard work.

For several months before filming for “City Hunter” even began, Lee Min Ho received formal martial arts training in Arnis and Kali, a class of Filipino martial arts that emphasize weapon-based, albeit spoon in this case, fighting.

In the scene for tonight’s episode, Lee Yoon Sung was weaponless; however, he was quick on his feet and grabbed a nearby spoon to attack his target. Actor Lee Min Ho also showed off his flexible and lean body as he flew over counters during the action sequence. Martial arts director Yang Gil Young stated, “Lee Min Ho’s at a disadvantage because of his height and long arms and legs. It’s harder to do various stunts, but he’s very light and quick on his feet. Additionally, his reactions fit the situation he’s shooting; and as a result, his action scenes do not take long to shoot.”

Lee Min Ho plays Lee Yoon Sung, a MIT PH. D. graduate who works in the Blue House National Communications Team to spy on the President and his advisors. His ultimate goal is to hunt down the “group of five” who were responsible for his biological father’s (Park Sang Min) unjust death.

“City Hunter” is a Wednesday-Thursday drama, and its third episode will be aired tonight, June 1st on SBS.

Translation by hotshotlover30 @ soompi

Lee Min Ho visit at the set - SSTV

credits : SSTV, loveghs.wordpress.com

Thank You to all of my Minoz sisters who gave me this video!!! ^^ 

Lee Min Ho's Message on SBS City Hunter HomePage

Original Korean Text : 

안녕하세요 시티헌터 이윤성역을 맡은 이민호입니다 ^^

우선, 여러분께서 시티헌터에 보내주시는 큰 관심과 응원에 감사드립니다. 이렇게 인사드리게 되어 너무 반가워요.

저는 요즘.아버지와 영상통화 하랴, 5 인회 정보 캐내느라, 청와대 근무하면서 도장도 찍어주고.... 나나가 타주는 식은 커피와 라면 열심히 먹으면서 힘내고 있습니다. ^^ 지금은, 시티헌터 촬영 준비를 하고 있어요.

작품을 준비해 오면서. 25 일, 첫 방송 되는 날을 기다려 왔었어요.

1,2 화가 방송되었죠! 여러분 모두 본방사수 하셨나요?

시청자분들께 행복한 기운을 전해 드린다는 생각으로, 시티헌터팀! 모두 다 함께 불사르고 있습니다. 많은 작품이 그렇겠지만, 시청자분들과 같이 공감하고 즐거움을 드릴 수 있는 드라마가 되기를 바라고 있어요.

이제 시작하는 시티헌터! 앞으로, 숨겨진 이야기들을 통해서 여러분께 더 가까이 찾아뵙겠습니다 지금부터 그려질 흥미진진한 이야기 기대 해 주시고요, 저 이윤성의 활약도 기대해 주세요!

날씨가 꽤 더운데요, 식사 잘 챙겨 드시고 여러분도 ~ 힘! 내세요! 늘 ~ 행복하세요 ^^

English Translation : 

Hello, I'm Lee Min Ho who plays the character of Lee Yoon Sung in City Hunter ^^

Firstly, I'd like to thank you all for your great concern and support for City Hunter. I'm very glad to be able to greet you like this and i want you all to know that...

As for me, recently, after speaking to dad through the video i'm finding out about the 5 person group, whilst working in the Blue House, I also film at the judo place(?? not quite sure of this part)..I'm finding strength while diligently eating ramyun and drinking the coffee that has turned cold (?) from Nana. ^^ But right now, I'm preparing for City Hunter's filming.

I came to prepare for the project and ready for work.on the 25th, I came waiting for the first day of broadcast.

The first and the second episodes has been broadcasted right? Did all of you watch it during the first broadcast?

City Hunter Team!!! who longs to bring happiness to the viewers, tell me that you like it also. We're burning with enthusiasm.

Even though this is the situation of many projects, i hope that viewers will be able to empathize with the drama and that the drama will be able to bring joy to you all.

City Hunter that has started! From now onwards, i hope to draw closer to you all through the hidden stories of my character, Lee Yoon Seong (??). Please look forward to more interesting development, and please also anticipate the Lee Yoon Sung I'm playing!

The weather is quite hot. Please eat well and have strength ~ I wish you happiness always ^^

Original Source : SBS

English Translation: webby@soompi (with some edits)

Lee Min Ho Me2Day Updates 30.05.2011

" 알려주신 기적의 암기비법! 잘 보고 참고할게요^^ 저만의 암기비법을 묻는 질문에 답하자면.. 그냥 한없이 대사를 중얼중얼대는 거예요. 줄거리와 윤성이 처한 상황을 생각하면서 대본을 몇번이고 보는 것이 나만의비법 ㅋ "

English Translation : " Tell me the secret for memorizations! I will give a good look on taking notes ^^ Only me and the answer to the question "secrets to memorization" versus the endless lines coming to here. I will memorize the plot and script for now and I think you're going to see some of my tricks when you lift my sleeves up, keke.. "

Addition : he wrote " 잘자요 " or "Good Night" on the bottom of his update.

English Translation by : Ellaine @BOFFanpage

P.S -> I think, Lee Min Ho would definitely updates more on his me2day account since it's all n Korean?? LOL !! ^^

Sunday, May 29, 2011

" City Hunter" - Lee Min Ho's Superior Shooting Skill

[OSEN NEWS] "City Hunter" main cast Lee Min Ho is showing of his "Hunter Instinct" and working on Hunter mode.
Lee Min Ho latest SBS Drama "City Hunter" (write by Hwang Eun Kyeong and Choi Su Jin, directed by Jin Hyeok, production house SSD) would broadcast their 3rd Episode on the 1st of June. In that episode, Lee Min HO would show his manly sharp shooting skill, result from his hard training. "City Hunter" already introduced to public on 25th of May, and Lee Min Ho already hit the record with his " 100% accurate shoot", but it's expected that he'll shake women's heart once again by his skill. 
"City Hunter" staff once said that when Lee Min Ho train for the shooting, he came up in a manly way and style. On the drama, Lee Min Ho would be Dr. Lee Yoon Seong, an MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and with his 2 friends, he'll show his junior how to shoot properly.
Lee Min Ho's ability in shooting already shown on the first episode of  "City Hunter" with his step-father Lee Jin Pyo (Kim Sang Jung). Little Lee Yoong Seong (Lee Min Ho) is trained hard by his father on his childhood, so that he'll able to face any conditions. And he has a painful experience where his maid (nanny) is killed by some bad guys.
But after that Lee Yoon Seong know the truth about his real biological father, Moo Yool (Park Sang Min) and he decide to be reborn again as "City Hunter" and entering the Blue House as the National Commucation team, work as the President's Bodyguard to take revenge for his father's death.
When Lee Min Ho practice in Thailand for his shooting scene, he can do the scene better then the staff show him. Lee Min Ho also wears the clothes he needs to wear and glasses to make it look real. And all of the staff in Thailand is surprised again on how Lee Min Ho acts. He concentrate on the targets, and he straight-shoot them all, highly focused, with ease. He succeed on shooting them all and the staff was satisfied when the gun start to smoke after it has been used.
"City Hunter" staff said "Lee Min Ho could express Lee Yoon Seong's character perfectly. We're so satisfied with his work...not only on his action scenes, but Lee Min Ho was able to express Yoon Seong's pain and hurt as the "City Hunter"...this episode would become more interesting and infinite..."
The first episode of  "City Hunter" is already aired and gain a lot of attention from viewers. Lee Min Ho's actions scenes and his scenes on the swamp has make this drama gain 10% rating and it's increasing on the next episode. It's expected to grow until 20% of rating with Lee Min Ho's innocence, and his wild, charismatic charm, not to mention his hot charm also that is well received by viewers.
On the third episode, the national communication team would work as agent and spy for the Blue House, and Lee Yoon Seong's love line with Kim Na Na (Park Min Young) would be uncovered. The "Scary Dark Charisma" of Kim Young Joo (Lee Jun Hyeok) and Kim Sang Jung is expected to bring the story.

<Photo Credits> SSD

Original Korean Text : 

'시티헌터' 이민호, 우월한 기럭지-이기적인 사격 실력 '매혹'

[OSEN=윤가이 기자] ‘시티헌터’ 이민호가 마성(魔性)의 ‘헌터본능’을 본격 가동시킨다.

이민호는 오는 6월 1일 방송되는 SBS 새 수목극 ‘시티헌터’(작가 황은경/최수진, 연출 진혁, 제작사 SSD) 3회 분에서 일품 사격 솜씨를 선보이며 명사수 ‘백발백중 민호’의 면모를 발휘한다. 지난 25일 방송된 1회를 통해 선보인 적 있는 ‘100% 명중’ 기록에 이어 다시 한 번 여심을 설레게 할 조짐이다.

이민호는 지난 7일 파주 벽초지 수목원 안에 완벽하게 구성된 사격 세트장에서 ‘일품 간지’를 뽐내는 늠름한 모습을 드러냈다. 이민호는 극중 MIT 박사 출신 청와대 요원이 된 윤성(이민호)이 동료들과 함께 사격 훈련을 받게 되는 장면에서 실전을 방불케 하는 사격 솜씨를 뽐냈다.

이민호의 사격실력은 지난 1회 방송 때 아버지 진표(김상중) 앞에서 발휘됐던 바 있다. 당시 윤성은 아버지의 혹독한 훈련 방식 때문에 어린 시절부터 자신을 돌봐준 유모 무왕수린을 향해 총을 겨눠야 하는 가슴 아픈 경험을 했던 것.

하지만 이후 윤성은 친아버지 무열(박상민)과 관련된 진실을 알게 된 후 ‘시티헌터’로 거듭나게 되면서 이전과는 다른 윤성의 모습을 보이게 된다. 청와대 요원으로 변신했지만 마음속으로는 늘 ‘복수 프로젝트’를 꿈꾸고 있는 윤성이 이전보다 훨씬 늠름하고 완벽한 사격 솜씨를 발휘할 수밖에 없는 상황이다.

이날 촬영에서 이민호는 태국 촬영에서 보다 훨씬 더 업그레이드 된 사격 솜씨를 선보이며 제작진들을 감탄케 했다. 특히 이민호는 전문가들이 실제로 착용하는 안경과 의상을 갖춰 입어 더욱 실감나는 느낌을 전했다. 태국 촬영 전부터 틈틈이 전문가를 통해 명중 노하우를 전수받았던 이민호의 노력이 빛을 발한 것. 고도의 집중력을 발휘, 속사포를 발사하는 이민호는 복수의 중심 타깃인 ‘5인회’를 저격하는 듯 연신 진지한 표정으로 연기에 임했다.

제작진 관계자는 “이민호가 ‘시티헌터’로서 완벽한 능력을 가진 윤성을 완벽하게 표현해내고 있어 만족감이 크다”며 “비단 액션신에서 뿐만 아니라, 남다른 아픔과 상처를 가진 ‘시티헌터’로서 이민호가 가지고 있는 ‘무한 매력’이 회를 거듭할수록 무한대로 펼쳐질 것”이라고 전했다.

한편 첫 방송된 ‘시티헌터’는 이민호의 총천연색 매력이 빛을 발하며 시청자들을 ‘이민호의 늪’에 빠져들게 하고 있다. 이민호는 꾸밈없는 10대 연기부터 ‘시티헌터’로 성장하게 되는 20대까지 천진난만하면서도 야성미 넘치는, 때로는 능청거리면서도 카리스마 넘치는 다양한 면모를 물오른 연기력으로 소화하며 뜨거운 호응을 얻고 있다.

3회 부터는 청와대 국가지도통신망 요원이 된 윤성이 5인회를 향한 복수 프로젝트의 시작을 예고하고 나선 가운데 윤성과 나나(박민영)의 까칠 러브라인이 본격적으로 펼쳐질 예정. 거기에 남다른 정의파 검사 영주(이준혁), 철부지 대통령딸 구하라, ‘소름 카리스마’의 주역 김상중의 환상 호흡이 담겨질 예정이라 기대감을 더욱 높이고 있다.

<사진> SSD 제공

Original Source : newsnate
English Translation : Monika

Friday, May 27, 2011

"City Hunter" - Lee Min Ho is the South Korean James Bond??

[Reporter Kim Yun Ah] Looking calm, but acts spectacularly, Lee Min Ho is truly a James Bond born in South Korea.
26th of May is the 2nd day  of the latest SBS drama "City Hunter". It's just started and the story line about Lee Yoon Seong (Lee Min Ho) is build.
Lee Yoon Seong is coming to Korea because he's looking the 5 murderers of his father where Lee Kyeong Wan (Lee Hyo Jeong) as Korean Senator was involved in it. With his handsome face and Lee Yoon Seong was equipped and he start to collect evidence.
And at the second episode, Lee Yoon Seong was spying on a house. Lee Yoon Seong meet Lee Kyeong Wan and Kim Yoong Joo ( Lee Jun Hyeok) where Lee Yoon Seong acts likes a James Bond, using high technology and gadgets.
In this case, Lee Yoon Seong manage to turn off the house's security systems with a single touch on his phone. Calmly, Lee Yoon Seong climb and jumps inside the house, and even goes out from the house unnoticed and calmly. With this brilliant scene, Lee Min Ho proves himself well as James Bond 007.
Meanwhile, coming to Korea, Lee Yoon Seong is also entering the Blue house to take revenge because of his father's death, and to look for his father's killer. (Photo Source: Captures of SBS "City Hunter") 

Original Korean Text : 

‘시티헌터’ 이민호, 한국의 제임스 본드?

[김윤아 인턴기자] 젠틀한 외모와 화려한 액션, 이민호가 한국의 제임스 본드로 태어났다.

5월26일 방송된 SBS 새 수목드라마 ‘시티헌터’에서는 시티헌터로서 본격적인 업무에 돌입한 이윤성(이민호)의 활약이 그려졌다.

이윤성은 아버지의 복수를 갚기 위해 5적중의 하나인 이경안(이효정) 국회위원의 비리를 캐기 위해 숨겨둔 실력을 발휘했다. 윤성은 핸섬한 외모와 애티튜드로 이경안 위원의 내연녀를 꼬시고 녹음기가 장치된 호텔에서 증거를 수집했다.

첩보전을 방불케 하는 이윤성의 활약은 이경안의 집에서였다. 이윤성은 이경안 의원이 김영주(이준혁) 검사와 대화를 하고 있는 틈을 이용해 제임스 본드 못지 않은 운동신경과 첨단 장치로 모든 경비 시스템을 마비시켰다.

윤성은 이경안의 집안으로 침입해 이경안의 비리 사실이 적힌 수첩과 핸드폰을 훔친 뒤 버튼 하나로 온 집안을 정전 시켰다. 그후 윤성은 단번에 높은 담벼락을 점프하려 유유히 이경안의 집을 유유히 빠져나왔다. 이민호의 화려한 액션은 007 제임스 본드 못지않았다.

한편 아버지의 복수를 위해 한국을 찾은 이윤성은 시티헌터로서의 본격적인 업무를 위해 국가지도통신망팀 요원으로 청와대에 들어갔다. (사진출처: SBS '시티헌터' 방송 캡처)

한경닷컴 bnt뉴스 기사제보 star@bntnews.co.kr

Original Source : Newsnate
English Translation : Monika

"City Hunter" Kim Sang Jung praise " Lee Min Ho, you're doing good without failing..."

[NTN Seoul News Reporter] Actor Kim Sang Jung praise his "Hoobae" (Junior) Lee Min Ho.
Kim Sang Jung is taking part on SBS latest drama "City Hunter" (screen writer Hwang Eun Kyeong and Choi Su Jin, directed by Jin Hyeok) as the President's bodyguard and step-father of Lee Yoon Seong (Lee Min Ho), the focus of the drama.
Kim Sang Jun said " The synopsis of City Hunter is interesting, needs action scenes of the hero on the set, and Lee Min Ho could bring up that kind of acting..." and " Lee Min Ho is a good junior and has a lot of enthusiasm that would make a new kind of drama..."
And he said " in Thailand, we take scenes by feeling and doing actions by feelings also, and that went very well..."
Kim Sang Jung's last drama "Life is Beautiful" makes Kim Sang Jung change image into a romantic guy, and now it's changed into a charismatic. " This is though. in dramas 11 years ago on 2000, actors would jumps and hurt himself when shooting...." and " But now we have fun in figuring action scenes. But it still changes, from traditional and i have to follow it. To be able to follow and doing action scenes, i was lucky..." said Kim Sang Jung.
Interviewed about Burma for the first time on 25th of May, regarding Aung San Suu Kyi, terrorism and the bombing in Burma as the historical background, Kim Sang Jung said " When we took the bombing scenes, it was so cold. i have to take extra clothes when i'm covered in blood...those times was difficult..."
Kim Sang Jung also said " City Hunter would be an interesting drama that you should watch and it's interesting without many words, already gaining people's attention..." and " For the next episode, i'll work harder...harder because there's so much hopes on this drama..."
Meanwhile, when Kim Sang Jung is interviewed by an SBS Program, he said to the MC " SBS aired the drama on a good schedule...and our team has a nice atmosphere..when we take scenes, it's always fun..."

Original Korean Text :

시티헌터 김상중 “이민호, 뭐하나 빠지지 않고 잘해” 극찬

[서울신문NTN 손재은 기자] 배우 김상중이 후배 이민호에 대해 극찬했다.

김상중은 SBS 수목드라마스페셜 ‘시티헌터’(극본 황은경 최수진, 연출 진혁)에서 대통령 경호원 출신 시티헌터 윤성(이민호 분)을 길러낸 진표 역을 맡아 이민호와 호흡을 맞추고 있다.

김상중은 “시놉시스 상 양아버지인 내가 이민호를 시티헌터로 키운 걸로 설정되면서 이번에 같이 연기하게 되었다”며 “정말 열의가 대단한 후배라 그의 새로운 모습을 기대하셔도 좋을 것 같다”고 말했다.

이어 “태국에서도 그렇고 지금도 총 쏘는 장면과 뛰는 장면, 감정 연기 뭐하나 빠질 것 없이 정말 잘하더라. 아주 잘하고 있다”며 극찬을 아끼지 않았다.

김상중은 지난해 드라마 ‘인생은 아름다워’에서 로맨티스트의 모습을 선보였던 것과 달리 카리스마 넘치는 연기를 펼치고 있다. “이번에는 지난번과는 달리 터프한 모습을 보일 것이다. 2000년에 출연한 드라마 ‘경찰특공대’ 이후에 11년 만에 총을 쏘면서 뛰어다니고 눈에 힘주게 되었다”며 “할 만 하고 재미있다. 무엇보다 기존의 모습에서 다른 모습을 선보일 수 있게 된 것도 나로서는 행운이다”라고 털어놓았다.

특히 25일 첫 회 첫 장면인 아웅산 테러장면을 떠올리며 “당시 폭파 장면 촬영 당시 날씨도 좀 추웠는데 보조 출연자분들이 피범벅 분장도 해야 하고 많이 힘들었다”고 회상했다.

마지막으로 그는 “ ‘시티헌터’는 근래에 보기 드물게 내용 자체가 재미있는 드라마라 보시는 분들이 대리만족을 느낄 수 있는 이야기꺼리가 많다”며 “회를 거듭할수록 더욱 기대가 되는 작품”이라고 소개했다.

한편 김상중은 현재 SBS 시사프로그램인 ‘그것이 알고 싶다’의 MC로도 활동 중이다. “현재 ‘시티헌터’와 ‘그것이 알고 싶다’ 모두 다 잘 하고 싶다”며 “다행히 둘 다 같은 SBS에서 방영하고 있는 터라 서로 팀에서 스케줄 조정을 잘해준 덕분에 무리 없이 촬영중이다”라고 귀띔했다.

Original Source : Newsnate 
English Translation : Monika

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

" City Hunter" First Episode - Lee Min Ho's Action Leads to Explosive Double Digit Rating

"City Hunter" first episode record a double-digit rating, and showing a good start. The rating, according to the rating reseacrch firm AGB Nielsen Media Research at 25th May, the first airing date of SBS "City Hunter', the first episode's rating is 10.5% nationwide.
The first episode which tells the birth of the hero Lee Yoon Seong (Lee Min Ho) is dominating. The antagonist and protagonist character has come out from the beginning, but Lee Min Ho come out dramatically at the middle of the episode, and the hot actor show spectacular action scenes. Lee Min Ho's burden because of the viewers's expectation was somehow stimulate him.

At the same time, "The Greatest Love / Best Love " '최고의 사랑" by MBC gain 17.4 % rating and "Romance Town" by KBS2 gain 10.3% rating from the audience.

Reporter Go Gyeong Min goginim@newsen.com

Original Korean Text : 

‘시티헌터’ 첫회, 이민호 액션폭발 두자릿수 시청률 ‘쾌조의 출발’

시티헌터’ 첫회, 이민호 액션폭발 두자릿수 시청률 ‘쾌조의 출발’

[뉴스엔 고경민 기자]

'시티헌터' 첫방송이 두 자릿수 시청률을 기록하며 순조로운 출발을 보였다.

시청률조사회사 AGB닐슨미디어리서치에 따르면 5월 25일 방송된 SBS '시티헌터'(극본 황은경,최수진/연출 진혁) 1회는 10.5%의 전국 시청률을 기록했다.

이날 방송에서는 이윤성(이민호 분)의 출생과 성장과정에 대한 설명이 주를 이뤘다. 극 초반 중견배우들의 열연과 극 중반 이후 등장한 배우 이민호의 화려한 액션연기가 원작에 대한 부담감 속에서도 시청자들의 기대감을 자극하기 충분했다.

한편 동시간대 방송된 MBC '최고의 사랑'은 17.4%, KBS 2TV '로맨스타운'은 10.3%의 시청률을 각각 나타냈다.

고경민 goginim@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com
copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

Original Source : Newsen
English Translation : Monika

P.S -> Added information (another rating)  : Rating (Episode 1) - 9.5% [National: 9th postition] ||| 11.8% [6th Position in Seoul] Source: TNS Rating

"City Hunter" - Lee Min Ho's innocence charm captivate viewers

SBS latest drama "City Hunter first episode is already aired at 25th of May.
The first Episode of "City Hunter" is bringing a crisp action crisp and makes us stop breathing. And without break, it ended with a suspense scene. Other brilliant actors who showed up at the first scenes was Kim Sang Jung, Park Sang Min, Cheon Ho Jin and Kim Mi Sook. 
But the special appearance is made by Lee Min Ho with his traditional masculinity. He show his loneliness, and it can be showed to the viewers.
"City Hunter" is the third big-hit drama, where Lee Min Ho is coming back again after "Boys Over Flowers" (꽃보다 남자) and "Personal Preference" (개인의 취향) . And through this drama, Lee Min Ho show his potential.
Lee Min Ho's character is going to South Korea to search for a person, after rescuing someone with his naughty attitude and actions, Lee Min Ho as a brand new fresh appearance. Lee Min Ho's appearance with his innocent smile could bright the mood of the viewers.
Lee Min Ho finished his training already, where he's trained, practice and guided to do some Martial Arts, including a Philippines Martial. Featuring some action mature action scene, we could feel his wild charm.
After that, the lonely "City Hunter" would meet Kim Na Na (Park Min Young), and the viewers was expect to see their love line.
Seeing the first episode of Lee Min Ho, looks like it already meet people's expectations, while it has many possibility to gain more attention.


Original Korean Text : 

'시티헌터' 이민호, 천진함-야성미 이중 매력 '시청자 매료'

[OSEN=이정아 기자]SBS 새 수목드라마 ‘시티헌터’가 25일 첫 시작을 알렸다.

첫 방송부터 ‘시티헌터’는 시원시원한 액션 장면과 거침없는 전개로 숨 쉴 틈 없는 긴장감을 안겼다. 김상중, 박상민, 천호진, 김미숙 등 배우들의 열연도 이 드라마를 기대하게 만드는 부분이었다.

특히 주연을 맡은 이민호는 기존의 모습과는 또 다른 남성적인 매력과 함께 외로움이 느껴지는 매력적인 모습으로 안방극장 시청자들의 마음을 설레게 했다.

드라마 ‘꽃보다 남자’로 아시아 여심을 사로잡은 이민호는 ‘개인의 취향’에 이어 세 번째로 주연을 맡은 ‘시티헌터’로 다시 한 번 배우로서 자신의 가능성을 입증해 보일 기세다.

한국 사람을 만나 반가운 마음에 장난꾸러기 같은 모습으로 그를 구해주고 다양한 액션을 선보이는 이민호의 모습은 신선했다. 천진난만한 미소를 짓는 이민호의 모습은 자칫 무겁게 느껴질 수 있는 드라마의 분위기를 한층 밝게 만들었다.

이민호는 다양한 액션을 선보이기 위해 사격에 필리핀 실전 무술, 유도 연습을 하며 만반의 준비를 모두 마쳤다. 액션 연기를 선보이는 이민호에게서 전보다 훨씬 성숙해진 야성적 매력을 느낄 수 있을 것으로 보인다.

또 외로운 ‘시티헌터’로 나나(박민영)와 펼치게 될 달달한 러브라인도 기대를 모으게 하는 부분이다.

이민호가 첫 회에서 보여준 많은 가능성들을 드라마를 통해 찬찬히 풀어가며 시청자들의 기대에 부응할지 귀추가 주목된다.

<사진>'시티헌터' 캡처.

Original Source : Newsnate
English Translation : Monika

Official MV (Music Video of "Love" (사랑-Sarang) by Lim Jae Beom (임재범) is released

Minoz, don't you love "Love" by Lim Jae Beom, the main theme of "City Hunter" ?? ^^
So, here's the official MV (Muisc Video) of the song...

credits : Starhaus M, meow13 (loveghs.wordpress.com)

P.S -> with Lee Min Ho's voice at the beginning before the song started, makes the MV NICER!!! ^^

Lee Min Ho" Hot Shower Photos " revealed

Lee Min Ho just reveals his hot topless muscular body for his "shower scene", and he's showing his masculinity.
on 15th of May, Lee Min Ho did the "shower scene" for his latest SBS Drama "City Hunter" where the shower scene would be presented in the drama. Then when the photo published, it shows Lee Min Ho's slim body. Showing the part of his upper body, his body was muscular and seems perfect.
In particular, it was shown too some of Lee Min Ho's scars that he got for his actions scenes. His wound and scars adds some sexiness in his muscular body, and the rough masculinity would take any women's heart.
In SBS "City Hunter" , Lee Min Ho act as Lee Yoon Seong, an MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
graduate who work for International Communication team at the Blue House. He's capable in doing every martial arts, including Judo and working at the ground.
The shower  scene was telling stories when Lee Yoon Seong (Lee Min Ho) finish his work (training) with his senior and colleagues at the Blue House and take shower alone. In Fact, Lee Yoon Seong was good and even experts in martial arts, but the athletic guy was not good in communicating with his colleagues who needs him, and having troubles with them. Lee Yoon Seong who already train hard having trouble with his friends in catching bad guys.
"City Hunter" producer said "Lee Min Ho is working aggressively and with his brilliant performance, the viewers would feel his spirit..."
Meanwhile, "City Hunter" is based on a Japanese Manga with the same name. The Original Japanese manga took the set in Tokyo at 1980, but the historical background and character is changed for the Korean version.
"City Hunter" is telling story about a hero who learn to got his humanity side by his relationships with other people, going through pain and hurt. With the growing process, there'll be other stories and information also. The first broadcast would be on Wednesday, 25th of May 2011.

Photo Credits : SSD
News Reporter misty82@donga.com

Original Korean Text :

이민호 ‘아찔 샤워신’…잔근육에 女心 흔들


이민호가 탄탄한 근육질 몸매를 드러내는 ‘상반신 노출 샤워장면’을 통해 남성미를 발산했다.

이민호는 지난 15일 SBS 새 수목극 ‘시티헌터’ 촬영현장에서 샤워 장면을 선보였다. 공개된 사진 속 이민호는 슬림한 몸매와 빈틈없는 잔 근육으로 이뤄진 완벽한 상반신 몸매를 자랑한다.

특히, 물줄기 속 간간이 보이는 이민호의 등 부위 상처들은 거친 액션의 흔적들을 나타내며 섹시한 남성미를 풍겨내 여성들의 마음을 설레게 할 예정이다.

이민호는 ‘시티헌터’에서 MIT 박사 출신 국가지도통신망 이윤성 역을 맡았다. 다재다능한 윤성을 소화하기 위해 그는 사격과 실전 무술, 유도까지 직접 연마하고 있는 것으로 전해졌다.

이날 촬영된 장면은 윤성(이민호)이 청와대 동료, 선배들과 유도 훈련을 마친 후 혼자 샤워를 하겠다고 해 시작됐다.

실제로는 전문가 못지않은 무술 실력을 갖추고 있는 윤성이지만, 이런저런 사정으로 동료에게는 운동신경이 전혀 없는 사람처럼 행동하고 있다. 이 때문에 온몸에 남아 있는 고된 훈련의 상처들을 들키면 안 되기 때문.

‘시티헌터’ 제작사 측은 “의욕적으로 연기에 임하고 있는 이민호의 빛나는 연기 투혼이 시청자들에게도 고스란히 전달될 것”이라고 전했다.

한편, 동명의 일본 인기 만화 ‘시티헌터’를 원작으로 한 이번 드라마는 80년대 도쿄를 배경으로 했던 원작과 다른 시대적, 공간적 변화가 생기게 되며 인물들 역시 한국적 캐릭터에 맞게 재설정된다.

주인공이 시티헌터로 성장하며 완성되어가는 과정, 진정성 있는 인간관계들을 통한 따뜻한 인간애, 많은 상처와 아픔에도 여전히 미래에 대한 희망을 품고 사는 사람들에게 작은 위로와 통쾌함을 줄 수 있는 내용 등이 담길 예정이다. 첫 방송은 25일 수요일 오후 9시 55분.


동아닷컴 이슬비 기자 misty82@donga.com

Original Source : Newsnate
English Translation : Monika

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Love" (사랑) by Lim Jae Beom (임재범) Music Video Teaser is released

Finally, the MV (Music Video) teaser of "Love" (사랑-Sarang) by Lim Jae Beom (임재범) the veteran singer is out !!! ^^
Don't you guys just LOVE this song that would become the main song of "City Hunter" ?? ^^
Well, ENJOY !!!
Thank You very much for my Minoz sisters who give me this video!! ^^

credits : Meow13 (loveghs.wordpress.com) , naver, Starhaus M

"City Hunter" 1 day before airing - Lee Min Ho confess "i can't sleep"

Lee Min Ho of "City Hunter" confess something 1 day before "City Hunter" starts airing.
May 25th is the first broadcast of the latest SBS Drama "City Hunter" (written by Hwang Eun Kyeong and Choi Su Jin, directed by Jin Hyeok) and because of that, Lee Min Ho said " It'll be a good thing because it it'll broadcast soon, but i feel nervous and worried..."
Lee Min Ho who spent his time lately with producer Jin Hyeok to suggest some edits of  first episode said that " I'm having a confidence because many people who sees the preview said that it was great.." and " i praying that there's a lot of good comments and good reviews about this drama..."
And Lee Min Ho said " i won't be able to sleep after the first broadcast of the drama, wondering what was the reaction of the viewers and praying.." and " But, i really hope there's a good comments of it at the next day..."
City Hunter crew also said that " Lee Min Ho ssi and his staff is like throwing a coin, he feels nervous and worried before the first broadcast..." and " but he try not to express the nervousness and stay calm..he's such a professional actor, to be worried about his own drama..", praise the crew.

Reporter Kwon Su Bin ppbn@newsen.com
Newsen@newsen.com news and press releases
copyright ⓒ Newsen. Unauthorized copying & Views

Original Korean Text : 

‘시티헌터’ 첫방 앞둔 이민호 “밤잠 설쳤다” 고백

‘시티헌터’ 첫방 앞둔 이민호 “밤잠 설쳤다” 고백

[뉴스엔 권수빈 기자]

이민호가 '시티헌터' 첫방송을 앞둔 소감을 전했다.

5월 25일 첫 방송되는 SBS 수목드라마 '시티헌터'(극본 황은경 최수진/연출 진혁)의 이민호가 드라마 첫방송을 앞두고 "이제 방송된다는 게 실감난다. 긴장도 되고 걱정도 된다"고 말했다.

이민호는 최근 진혁PD를 포함한 제작진과 함께 1회 방송분 편집본을 먼저 시사하면서 "같이 보신 분들께서 정말 재미있다고 말씀해주셔서 어느정도 자신감도 얻었다"며 "부디 재미있다고 평가해주신 분들이 옳았으면 좋겠다"고 밝혔다.

이어 "첫 방송 뒤 시청자분들의 반응이 어떨까 궁금해 밤잠을 설치기도 했다"며 "이번에도 역시 밤잠을 설치더라도 기분좋은 다음날을 맞이했으면 좋겠다"고 덧붙였다.

'시티헌터' 제작진은 "이민호씨의 동전 던지는 모습에 스태프들이 '방송을 앞두고 이제 동전이 던져졌다'고 표현했다”며 "긴장도 되지만 오히려 주위에 여유와 배려를 아끼지 않는 그야 말로 진정한 프로 연기자"라고 칭찬을 아끼지 않았다.

권수빈 ppbn@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com
copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

Original Source : Newsnate
English Translation : Monika

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lee Min Ho - SBS "Good Morning" interview at "City Hunter" Press Conference

Minoz, on 23rd May 2011, Lee Min Ho and all of SBS "City Hunter" casts was interviewed at 9.20 AM for SBS "Good Morning"...^^
Thank You for all of my Minoz sisters who gave me this video...^^
Well, ENJOY !! ^^

YouTube version :

credits : SBS / loveghs.wordpress.com

And if any of you can't see the video because it's blocked by SBS on your country, you can see it via vimeo here : 

credits : Meow, DC, loveghs.wordpress.com

P.S -> This video seems to be a little bit formal, don't you think?? but anyway it's too bad they only interview them for only 3 minutes..but we enjoy it, right?? kekeke...^^
i love it when they ask Park Min Young's opinion for her kiss scene with Lee Min Ho...^^

Lee Min Ho of ‘City Hunter’ becomes the ‘Casa-Hunter!’

Actor Lee Min Ho shows his way how to attract women in City Hunter.

Lee Min Ho plays Lee Yoon Sung, a member of a Cheongwadae communications department with a Ph.D in MIT in the drama City Hunter. However, Lee was shooting a scene with another woman, Min Young Won, not Park Min Young or Goo Hara the major actresses.

Last April, Lee was seen with Min Young Won at a club for the shooting. The two was having a sweet date. Min sat next to him and was trying to seduce him with charming words and touches.

Lee, at this showed the perfect way to attract her. He would sometimes be nice and would be indifferent other times.

However, the reason why Lee was approaching her was part of a plan. Lee’s mysterious facial expressions will make the viewers be curious.

Min Young Won and Lee Min Ho has a special story as this is not the first time they act together. She appeared on Boys over Flowers and played one of the mean girls bulling the main player Geum Jan Di.

The two acted in a casual atmosphere and though the shooting may have been embarrassing, the two acted well as a pro.

Meanwhile, after four posters and teasers of City Hunter were released, many are looking forward to the drama. Even before the first episode was aired, it is on the top ten most-searched words. And the OST are also the hot issue.

Original Source : Newsnate, English Translated by Ye Sul of korea.com ,loveghs.wordpress.com

"City Hunter" Official Teaser (3)

I'm sorry i'm late Minoz....
The Official "City Hunter" tease is finally released!!! ^^
Want to see it??? here it is !! ENJOY!! ^^

YouTube version :

credits : meow13, loveghs.wordpress.com, DC

Vimeo version : 

P.S - Isn't our Lee Min Ho just so damn cool!!! i love the beginning part, showing a glance of him shooting something??? and, the ending part where he kick someone, totally cool !!! i love his black cap...i think he became a courier?? LOL...^^

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lee Min Ho Twitter, Facebook and Me2Day Update 21/05/2011 - Me2Day CF

" Good night :) (me 2day) City hunter Promotion CF ^^ 드라마 촬영 중에 간단 CF를 촬영 해 봤어요. 재미있게 봐주세요 ^^...

English Translation : " Good Night, Me2day City Hunter Promotion CF ^^ this is taken during filming my new drama, i have done a simple CF (Commercial Film)...Please look at it, it's fun ^^..."

on Saturday, 21th May 2011, via Me2Day Video, Me2day Photo and Facebook

Video posted Twitter and Facebook, via Me2day Video :

Credits : Me2Day Video

YouTube Version : 

Credits : en.korea.com / lmhthailand
(this video is also available at Lee Min Ho FanClub on en.korea.com)

Updates on Me2Day : 

" 제가 올린 사진으로 “나 오늘 지금” CF를 촬영 했어요. <CF보기> 많은 후기 남겨주세요."

English Translation : " This photo to was taken by me for "Me2Day" CF. Please look at it and give some reviews."

"으아악. 대사가 너무 많아서 잘 안외워져~!? "

English Translation : " Aaahhh. Why there's so many difficult lines ~? "

P.S -> HE'S SO DAMN CUTE IN THOSE ME2DAY CF !!! ^^ look's like he's really promoting Me2day and especially his account (it's like 2-way Twitter, Twitter with Friend Requests), LOL!!! ^^
don't forget, here's Lee Min Ho official Me2day Account : actorlmh

He's so cute when he seems depressed with City Hunter shooting progress ( but i think he only jokes, i know he could do it!!!! kekekeke...^^),
But i really love the part when he looks so depressed, and said "AAAIIIKKHHHHH !!!!" then looks like he wanted to cry !!!! LOL!!!! ^^

English Translation : Monika

Friday, May 20, 2011

Lee Min Ho's message for the 2nd anniversary of Japanese Minoz [ MJ ]

Japanese Minoz is so lucky, Lee Min Ho loved them very much!!!!
You guys remember when Min Ho have to cancelled his 2nd Event in Japan because of the tsunami happened??
Min Ho feels so bad because of that and he post a message to Japanese Minoz (MJ)...
Now he post a video because of the 2nd anniversary of Japanese Minoz..
He said "congratulations" to Japanese Minoz...so cute!! ^^
And what's important is, he said that he'll still held his 2nd Event in Japan, on 25th of August!!! HOW COOL IS THAT?? ^^
Isn't he so cute??? ^^

Credits: joyful_minoz (Philippines Minoz) and Lee Min Ho official Japanese website

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lee Min Ho - "City Hunter" casts interview on SBS "Night of Entertainment"

Minoz..on 19th of May, Lee Min Ho, along with other casts of "City Hunter" is interviewed by SBS again in "Night Of Entertainment", kekeke...^^ he's so damn handsome!!! 
Want to know what are they talking about?? here's the video!! 
ENJOY !!! Thank You to all of my Minoz sisters who give this video to me...^^

And for all of you who can't see the video via YouTube because it's blocked by your region/country, see it here...

Credits : Meow13, loveghs.wordpress.com

Lee Min Ho - Park Min Young "Coffee Date" that looks like a CF

Actor Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young enjoy one "Coffee Date" that looks like a Coffee CF (Commercial Film).
In Seoul a few days ago, Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young was in Han River, special for their latest SBS Drama "City Hunter" (written by Hwang Eun Kyeong, directed by Jin Hyeok). They are taking scenes for "City Hunter" there.
The scene is about Lee Yoon Seong (Lee Min Ho) and Kim Na Na (Park Min Young) just play with water, and they dry their clothes by the sun there while enjoying coffee.
It should be uncomfortable to take scenes and drink coffee while the body is all wet, but Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young is working with spontaneity. Both Park Min Young and Lee Min Ho sit close to each other, enjoying the coffee and the simple sweet time with their bright smile. Their connection seems deep and close when they share ideas.
Above all, it's a luck that the sun shine brightly when they took the scene. The two actor's stunning appearance and the wonderful weather makes all of the crew drawn then they took the short scene.
Staff of "City Hunter" said " The scene of Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young's coffee date may be a beautiful scene, but we could catch a glimpse of CF (Commercial Film) there, performed in a warm image" and "There's a lot of words about the after-taste of the coffee at the scene, but still in a normal standard to be called a scene.."
'"City Hunter" is based on a Japanese Manga with the same name. The original manga is set at Tokyo on 1980, where it's changed to Seoul on 2011. "City Hunter" is telling us a story about a growing process of a hero, gaining his humanity side by his relationships with other humans, despite the hurt and pain he got. "City Hunter" would replace "49 Days" time slot and would start airing at 25th of May.

Original Korean Text :

이민호-박민영, 달달한 커피데이트 ‘CF 속 한장면 같네’

[서울신문NTN 손재은 기자] 배우 이민호와 박민영이 한 편의 CF를 연상케 하는 커피 데이트를 즐겼다.
이민호와 박민영은 지난 3일 서울 여의도 한강공원에서 진행된 SBS 새 수목드라마스페셜 ‘시티헌터’(극본 황은경 최수진, 연출 진혁) 촬영에서 그 어느 때보다 평화로운 데이트 장면을 촬영했다.
이날 촬영은 이윤성(이민호 분)과 김나나(박민영 분)이 따사로운 햇살 아래 젖은 몸을 말리며 향긋한 커피를 마시는 장면.
두 사람은 물줄기를 그대로 맞아 젖은 몸이 다소 불편할 수도 있는 상황이었지만 젖은 모습 그대로 자연스러움을 담아 촬영에 임했다. 특히 박민영은 이민호에게 밝은 미소와 함께 커피를 건네며 나란히 앉아 달콤하면서도 소박한 시간을 보냈다. 두 사람은 말없이 허공을 응시하는 서로 다른 듯 깊은 생각들을 공유하며 한층 더 가까운 공감대를 형성하는 연기를 펼쳤다.
무엇보다 촬영 당일 화창한 날씨 덕분에 더욱 아름다운 영상으로 담겨졌다. 배우들의 눈부신 비주얼과 푸릇푸릇 환상적인 날씨가 어우러져 짧지만 강렬한 포스의 장면들이 연출됐다는 후문이다.
제작사 측은 “이민호와 박민영이 평범한 듯 커피를 마시는 장면이었지만 마치 아름다운 CF를 보는 듯 따뜻한 영상이 연출됐다”며 만족감을 드러냈다. 이어 “대사가 많지는 않았지만 깊은 여운을 남겼던 만큼 두 사람 사이에 중요한 교류가 이루어지는 장면이라고도 볼 수 있다”고 전했다.

‘시티헌터’는 일본 동명 만화를 원작으로 한 드라마. 1980년대 도쿄를 배경으로 했던 원작과 달리 2011년 서울로 배경을 바꾼다. 주인공이 시티헌터로 성장하며 완성되어가는 과정, 진정성 있는 인간관계들을 통한 따뜻한 인간애, 많은 상처와 아픔에도 불구하고 여전히 미래에 대한 희망을 품고 사는 사람들에게 작은 위로와 통쾌함을 줄 수 있는 내용 등이 담겨질 예정이다. ‘49일’ 바통을 이어받아 25일 첫 방송된다.


손재은 기자 jaeni@seoulntn.com

Original Source : Newsnate
English Translation : Monika

Lim Jae Beom to sing "City Hunter" main theme, meeting Lee Min Ho

Lee Min Ho and Lim Jae Beom meet after Lee Jae Beom is fixed to sing "City Hunter" main theme.
Lee Min Ho would play in a new SBS mini-series Drama "City Hunter"  (script write by Hwang Eun Kyeong, directed by Jin Hyeok), and Lim Jae Beom is asked to participate in the making of the Original Sound Track. The song is titled "Love" (사랑), and the song is expected to be the main theme.
Lee Min Ho once ever said that he's a big fan of Lim Jae Beom, and to know that he's involved in the making of the Original Soundtrack, he's very delighted.
Lim Jae Bum that was interviewed after an MBC Variety Program, showing the song early than the Drama, showing his willingness to participate in the Original SoundTrack making. Official Lee Jae Beom spokesperson said that Lim Jae Beom got the spotlight recently, and he has talked abotu his participation in the making of "City Hunter" Original SoundTrack.
Lim Jae Beom already released the song at 20th of May, earlier than the album released, and it's released through some various music sites. "City Hunter" itself would be released on the 25th of May and the Original SoundTrack album would be released on the 24th of May.
"Love" is a sad ballad song with a touch of blues, and it consists Jae Bum's rough and sad  emotions. Lim Jae Bum's spokesperson said that Jae Bum spent 4 hours of recording the song, and the lyrics was so sad because the song was telling stories about a recurring heart.
After recurring from a acute sickness, Lim Jae Beom would perform on MBC Dream Center at Ilsan for a variety program on the 23rd, decided to participate on the masking of the OST.
Lim Jae Boem would be the lead singer for "City Hunter" Original Soundtrack, and "City Hunter" would air their first episode at 25th of May, at 21.55 PM KST.

Original Korean Text :

임재범-이민호 '손 잡았다

이민호와 임재범이 만났다.
배우 이민호가 주연을 맡은 SBS 새 수목 미니시리즈 <시티헌터>(극본 황은경ㆍ연출 진혁)의 OST에 가수 임재범이 참여한다. 임재범이 부르는 <사랑>은 극중 이민호가 연기하는 이윤성의 메인 테마로 쓰일 예정이다.
이민호 측은 “평소 이민호는 임재범의 팬이었다. 때문에 임재범이 OST에 참여한다는 사실을 알고 기뻐했다”고 말했다.
임재범은 MBC 예능 프로그램 <우리들의 일밤>의 ‘나는 가수다’에 출연하기 전 일찌감치 <시티헌터> 측과 OST 참여 의사를 타진한 것으로 알려졌다. <시티헌터>의 관계자는 “최근 임재범이 각광을 받고 있어서 섭외한 것은 아니다. 제작진과 OST 참여에 대한 이야기를 나눈 후에 ‘나는 가수다’가 시작됐다”고 밝혔다.
임재범이 부른 <사랑>은 20일 자정 각종 음원 사이트를 통해 처음 공개된다. 25일 <시티헌터>의 방송 시작에 앞서 24일에는 음반도 발매된다.
<사랑>은 블루스가 가미된 발라드 곡이다. 임재범 특유의 거칠고 슬픈 감성이 두드러진다. <시티헌터>의 관계자는 “임재범은 4시간 여에 걸쳐 진행된 녹음 내내 ‘노래와 노랫말이 너무 아프다. 너무 슬프다’는 말을 되풀이했다”고 전했다.
한편 급성맹장수술을 받고 회복 중인 임재범은 23일 일산 MBC 드림센터에서 진행되는 ‘나는 가수다’의 녹화에 참여하기로 결정했다. ‘나는 가수다’ 측은 “녹화에 참여할 몸상태가 아니지만 시청자와의 약속을 지키기 위해 녹화에 참여할 뜻을 밝혔다”고 밝혔다.
이민호가 주연을 맡고 임재범이 OST에 참여하는 <시티헌터>는 25일 오후 9시55분 첫 방송된다.

Original Source : Hankooki
English Translation : Monika

P.S -> It's a rough translation...if i had mistakes, feel free to revise it, tell me where i make wrong...Thank You...^^

City Hunter Original SoundTrack song Part 1 released

Minoz, here's our new favorite song!!! "Love" (사랑-Sarang) by Lim Jae Beom is already release last night, 20th May 2011!!! it's a sad ballad but it's definitely beautiful!!! ^^
The veteran singer Lim Jae Beom is definitely a genius, no wonder Lee Min Ho likes him and become one of his fans!!!
Well, enjoy!!! ^^

Credits : Hansarang, Meow13

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"City Hunter" Original Sound Track - Part 1

"City Hunter" is not yet aired until 25th of May, but they just release the Original Sound Track!! it just consist on 4 tracks, but don't you all wanted to hear it??? kekekeke..^^
it consist of 4 songs, 1 Theme Song and 3 instrumental songs...
The first song is titled "Love" (사랑 ) by Im Jae Beom (임재범 )

The second song is titled " Memories of Love " (Acoustic Guitar version) by Yeon Joo Kok (연주곡),   third song is Memories of Love (Acoustic Piano version ) by Yeon Joo Kok (연주곡), and the final track is the instrumental version of "Love" (사랑)...
Well, even though it only consist of 4 songs, it's a little but expensive, don't you guys think so?? it's around 7400 Korean Won, or US$ 11...T___T
But i guess, that price is TOTALLY worth it...

Credits : Wendy (@Wenroad - Korean Minoz )

Credits : Wendy (@Wenroad - Korean Minoz )

But if any of you Minoz is interested in buying the Original Sound Track, you could pre-order the CD on Yes Asia, and here's the link :  City Hunter OST Part 1 (SBS TV Drama)

P.S -> Click on the pictures to zoom in..^^

"City Hunter" Preview by SBS

Minoz, in "City Hunter" Press Conference on 17th May, a preview of  "City Hunter" is played for the audience...now, SBS account posted that video on their YouTube account, so that Minoz that couldn't attend that Press Conference, couldn't stream it...^^ Thank You to all of my sisters that give this video to me...^^
ENJOY !! ^^

Credits : SBSNOW, Meow13

P.S -> I'm laughing so hard when i watch this video..Min Ho is so cool and funny here!!!! ^^
I'm laughing hard at his scene with Goo Ha Ra..when he act like he want to thrown up when Goo Ha Ra winks and laugh at him!!! LOL !!! ^^ and Lee Jun Hyeok was thrwon away by Park Min Young also??
The action scene and the romantic scene here was so cool !!! but i don't know who's that girl that slip her hands inside Lee Min Ho's shirt that make Park Min Young mad...LOL..

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lee Min Ho is showing a 100% big smile after receiving a gift from cartoonist Tsukasa Hojo

Actor Lee Min Ho is showing his big smile after he received a gift from cartoonist Tsukasa Hojo.
Lee Min Ho wrote on his Me2Day account on 17th of May "This is the gift i receive at The Press Conference of 'City Hunter' today, there was really  a lot of happy cheers!! City Hunter Fighting!! All of you, Fighting!! " and post a picture with it, after the press conference.
He's holding the picture and making a "V" sign with his other hand, also with a big smile. The picture was a protagonist cartoon character of Japanese "City Hunter" who looks a like with Lee Min Ho that would play as the Korean "City Hunter" with the same sharp eye and chin.
Netizen also wrote comments for this photo such as "It's really beautiful to know that the original author also support you and expecting the drama...Lee Min Ho, you also, Fighting!! "
Lee Min Ho, Park Min Young, Lee Jun Hyeok, Goo Ha Ra and Kim Sang Jung's latest SBS drama "City Hunter" would be aired  the first episode at 25th of May.

Online News Reporter Kim Jin Seok [superjs@joongang.co.kr]
(Photo Credits : Lee Min Ho's Me2Day Account)

Original Korean Text : 

이민호, 싱크로율 100% 캐리커처 선물받고 함박웃음

배우 이민호가 만화가에게 받은 선물 인증샷을 공개했다.

이민호는 17일 자신의 미투데이에 '오늘 '시티헌터' 제작발표회에서 멋진 응원을 선물 받았습니다. '시티헌터' 화이팅! 여러분도 화이팅'이라는 글과 함께 사진 한 장을 올렸다.

그는 그림을 들고 'V'를 그리며 환하게 웃고 있다. 그림 속 주인공은 일본 만화 '시티헌터' 주인공으로 한국판 '시티헌터' 주인공인 이민호와 또렷한 이목구비·날렵한 턱선이 닮았다.

네티즌들은 '되게 잘 그렸다' '원작에 충실한 캐스팅이네요' '드라마 완전 기대됩니다. 이민호도 화이팅!' 등의 반응을 보였다.

이민호·박민영·이준혁·구하라·김상중 등이 출연하는 SBS 새 수목극 '시티헌터'는 25일 첫 방송된다.

김진석 온라인 뉴스 기자 [superjs@joongang.co.kr]
(사진=이민호 미투데이)

Original Source : Newsnate
English Translation : Monika

Lee Min Ho Twitter Update 17/05/2011

" 오늘 시티헌터 제작발표회에서 멋진 응원을 선물받았습니다!! ^^ 시티헌터 화이팅!! 여러분도 화이팅!! Press conference is over. Thank you for cheering ^^... http://fb.me/FAV2PB9Y "

on Tuesday, 17th May 2011, via Facebook

English Translation : " This is the gift i receive at the press vonference of 'City Hunter' today, there was really  a lot of happy cheers!! ^^ City Hunter Fighting!! All of you, Fighting!! Press conference is over. Thank you for cheering ^^ "

The link Lee Min Ho gave go straight to the photos he posted on Facebook:

English Translation : Monika

Credits : Lee Min Ho Official Twitter Account, Lee Min Ho Official Facebook Account 

P.S -> He look very cute with the signature give Tsukasa Hojo gave him!!! he look pretty proud of himself?? LOL...^^
Our "Ahjussi" looks really happy after the press conference...i think he cut his hair again, makes his brown hair (he dye his hair brown before, right??) looks darker than before...i'm not sure he dye his hair again in Black because it still looks brown?? LOL...*please ignore this*

Lee Min Ho talks about idols in dramas at ‘City Hunter’ press conference

On May 17th, Lee Min Ho, Park Min Young, and KARA’s Goo Hara attended the press conference for SBS’s “City Hunter“.

During the event, Lee Min Ho expressed his honest opinion regarding his castmate Goo Hara. He said,

“Originally, I was very pessimistic when it came to idols stars and acting. Thanks to Goo Hara, many of my preconceptions have been shattered. When I was a rookie, there were many times in which my pride was hurt and I experienced many hardships. I didn’t like how it seemed that idol stars who made acting debuts had it easy and didn’t go through those experiences.

I didn’t like how everyone struggles through many auditions in order to obtain a small supporting role, but idol stars seem to obtain those roles easily.“

However, after meeting Goo Hara and 2AM’s Seulong on “Personal Taste“, Lee Min Ho’s prejudices have changed. He revealed, “Everyone becomes happy when Goo Hara arrives on set. It becomes brighter in an instant.”

On the other hand, actress Park Min Young spoke of her concerns about her acting transformation. She explained,

“This is a work that 9 out of 10 opposed. It is a strong work with actions scenes and a strong melodramatic nature. But because I have failed with a melodramatic work in the past, it was hard to take on this challenge. However, I do not worry about whether or not this work will be a big hit. I made my choice according to my heart’s prompting…

I think I get a more competitive mindset when I hear that things can’t do well. ‘City Hunter’ is a work I chose with a competitive mindset… I am practicing a lot for the acting scenes. It feels good to throw down the tall Lee Min Ho.“

Lastly, Goo Hara revealed her determination to take on criticisms regarding her acting openly. Goo Hara expresssed,

“I started after deciding to take on many criticisms. I always had an interest in acting and I wondered how I would start my acting career. I want to show that I’m going to openly take the inevitable criticisms and I’m going to work hard as I get scolded to show improvements.

When it come to taking criticisms, I will take them head on. I will try my best.“

Source: TV Daily via Nate (1) (2) & Newsen via Nate / Allkpop