
interesting in my life: Tips for choosing car insurance

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tips for choosing car insurance

Do you have to insure your car for the first time? or are you looking for a better option to renew your car insurance? There are a number of companies offering car hire insurance, and although there are variations in coverage each offers, there is also another set of factors that you should pay attention:

    How to hire
    Risk policy mode total / partial risk
    Bonuses and discounts

How to hire

Car insurance can be arranged through internet pages either, as has always been done through an insurance office. In the case of online services, the advantage is that the premiums are usually lower because companies using this system have lower costs of management, administration, personnel, etc..

On the other hand, the contract in an insurance office, gives you personalized attention are generally advised by an expert that can solve all questions you may have at the time of the insurance.
Risk policy mode total / partial risk

Before you decide whether to hire auto insurance to total risk or third party insurance only. Insurance companies also have limitations in terms of the type of car that can be covered by insurance.

Also in this section, you should be clear about how it works the franchise that is associated with such insurance. Franchising is the risk that the policyholder assumes. It can be a percentage or a flat fee. The lower your deductible or deductible, the higher the premium to be paid by insurance.

Your insurance rates will vary substantially depending on the toppings you want to have and depending on the risk profile you have as a member. For the risk profile, insurers take into account aspects such as weight / displacement, policyholder's gender, age of the main driver, driver experience, etc..

Studies show that the most important decision factor in car insurance is the price, and if your budget is limited, be sure to evaluate all material respects, of anything you better have the cheapest insurance, if not a guarantee for you.

Also do not forget that:

    The young novice drivers or have penalties to tariffed your insurance premium because of higher risk are considered statistically. The insurance on behalf of others with lower associated risk can lead to bad experiences if you need insurance.
    If you have an old car, it's best to hire a basic car insurance. Recruit other coverings would ensure above what your car is worth.


Insurance companies usually calculate an annual premium, but given the option of paying either semester, trimester or quarter. The first installment is usually higher because it includes the annual premium tax in full.

Additionally, most companies charge a small fee for making such payments.
Bonuses and discounts

Being a good driver is rewarded for all insurance companies, including some you can get to achieve a discount of up to 70%, so it is also important to know what the maximum bonus that could reach for your no-claims and how long it would take achieve.

For example there are companies in the Spanish market that take more than 20 years of no claims to reach 60%, which does not make good choices.

It is also true, that insurance when you're looking for a new insurance option, offering you and give you a bonus entry, or respecting your no claims on the company where you had your car insurance.

In short, information is your main weapon as a consumer, to be informed of coverages, conditions, exclusions, you will make a smart buying decision and not one based on the rush, emotions or a good advertising campaign.

After you've decided on which company you hire your car insurance, do not forget to read the entire contract, including the fine print, this will avoid having unpleasant surprises later.

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