Credits: Baidu LMH,
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Credits: Viki (V-Scoop Korea)
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Lee Min Ho's Social Network Updates 27.09.2011
"안녕하세여여러분 잘 도착햇습니다!짐 기다리면서벤에서 글올려여 ㅎ 공항와주신분들 감사하구여 조심히 들어가시구여 ㅡ 미노즈분들도 조만간 공식자리에서뵈요오 ^ ^"
" Hello Guys, i've arrive safely! i'm typing this on the van while waiting over my luggage, all of you who went to the airport, Thank You and be careful on your way home ㅡ Hope to see you Minoz on a official meeting ^^"
Other Translation: (CREDITS: from Lee Min Ho's World)
"Hello everyone, I arrived safely! I’m typing this while waiting inside the van for my luggage ㅎ Thank you to those who came to the airport and hope everyone goes home safely – And I hope to see you soon Minoz during our official meet ^ ^"
Other Translation: (CREDITS: from Lee Min Ho's World)
"Hello everyone, I arrived safely! I’m typing this while waiting inside the van for my luggage ㅎ Thank you to those who came to the airport and hope everyone goes home safely – And I hope to see you soon Minoz during our official meet ^ ^"
Lee Min Ho makes a sweet gesture for his Chinese fans
After hearing that 1,000 fans had gathered to welcome him at the airport, Lee Min Ho rejected the offer to be taken through the back V.I.P. route and personally requested that he’d like to go out there and thank all of his fans for coming all the way there.
Unfortunately, due to safety precautions, security guards took him through the V.I.P. exit after making a brief appearance to prevent any accidents. Lucky fans still managed to catch glimpses of the actor as he made his way out.
Later, on his Twitter, he wrote, “I’m worried, I hope that nobody was hurt at the airport.”
Original Source: Allkpop
Monday, September 26, 2011
Lee Min Ho attended a commercial event, cute smile melted the hearts of fans
Sina Entertainment News
Lee Min Ho, who gains soaring popularity from big hit Kdrama City Hunter, attended a car launch event in Beijing today (Sept 26). With a merely 10 min. appearance, but he brought the event to a climax. Lee Min Ho loves to drive and he said he relieves his huge working pressure mainly through driving.
Visiting Beijing for the first time, Lee Min Ho is curious about everything. He not only asked about good food and attractive places in Beijing through Weibo, he also asked the press members on-site during the interview. He said, “I hope there would be more opportunities to visit China. I have tried Peking roasted duck this time. I hope I could have time to visit the Forbidden City & the Great Wall to know more about Chinese culure.
After opening an account on Sina weibo, Lee Min Ho communicates with his fans through this platform. When his fans knew about his visit in China on weibo, they went to greet him at the airport. Lee Min Ho was moved and expressed his gratefulness. He would like to better communicate with his fans through learning Chinese. He also showed his Chinese skill during the interview: “大家好,我是李敏镐” (“Hello, I am Lee Min Ho”), “谢谢你们” (“Thank you”); and “我爱你”(“I love you”),“吃了吗” (“Have you eaten yet?”) that he learned on-the-spot.”
There are increasing number of Korean actors come to China for career development in recent years. Lee Min Ho also expressed that he would like to have the opportunity to work with Chinese directors & actors. “If there is a chance, I hope to work with John Woo and Andy Lau.” And when asked if City Hunter would have a sequel, Lee Min Ho said there is no plan for it now. With such a busy work schedule, Lee Min Ho said, “with big working pressure, I love to drive and driving could help to releive the pressure.”
Translation: meow (please credit if repost)
Credits: Falcon
Credits: Sina
Credits: Qiyi
Credits: BTV
Lee Min Ho's Social Network Updates 26.09.2011
"여러분 오늘 반가웠어요 ^^ 저는 파티를 마치고 훠궈를 먹으러 왔어요. 처음 먹는음식인데 맛이 어떨까요? 今天见到大家真的很开心..^^..我剛結束活動,現在來吃火鍋,我的一次吃火鍋,我很好奇火鍋是什麼味道"
" Today was so nice to meet you all ^^ The party just ended and now i'm eating HotPot. it's my first time to eat it and i'm curious, how would it taste? "
English Translation: Monika
110926 Lee Min Ho @ Veloster Launch Event in Beijing
Cre 易車網
Cre chengdailjz22
Cre Sina
Cre 秦胖胖@北京
110926 Lee Min Ho @ Veloster FM [fancam]5 by meow1313
110926 Lee Min Ho @ Veloster FM [fancam]6 by meow1313
110926 Lee Min Ho @ Veloster FM [fancam]7 - Full... by meow1313
Credits: loveghs.wordpress.com110926 Lee Min Ho @ Veloster FM [fancam]5 by meow1313
110926 Lee Min Ho @ Veloster FM [fancam]6 by meow1313
110926 Lee Min Ho @ Veloster FM [fancam]7 - Full... by meow1313
Korean popular idol Lee Min Ho arrived in China, with thousands of fans greeting at the airport
26 September 2011
International Entertianment News Online (reporter: Lin Lu)
Lee Min Ho, who gains soaring popularity from Korean drama City Hunter, arrived in Beijing on the 25th for a 3-day trip in China. He will attend an endorsement event for a car brand
At Beijing International Airport on the day, thousands of fans were holding banners & posters to welcome their idol. When Lee Min Ho came out from the custom and met everyone, the enthusiatic response of fans made the situation chaotic. Nonetheless, Lee Min Ho was always smiling at the crowd. Fans yelled his name, welcoming this new generation idol.
After City Hunter, Lee Min Ho’s popularity soars. Currently his followers at Sina weibo has exceeded 180,000.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Lee Min Ho shakes hands with hands generously
Recently, Lee Min-ho has been experiencing popularity beyond imagination in China as he shut down servers in a Chinese portal site,, while answering more than 135,000 questions at once in the time span of an hour.
The servers shut down due to the so many questions and the bulletin wasn't easy to access but 135,000 was a new number to record and proved just how great Lee Min-ho was in China.
Original Source: Hancinema
Lee Min Ho's Social Network Updates 25.09.2011
Hello everyone! Finally I arrive in China. Because of your warm greetings, I feel so happy! I am a bit worried that if anyone was hurt at the airport. Hope to see you all at the event. But please be safe. see you tomorrow (^-^)
Translation: meow
Friday, September 23, 2011
Lee Min Ho, brings down
Actor Lee Min-ho shut down one of China’s portal site, “”.
His management Star Haus said, “Lee Min-ho did the live time interview from 5PM to 6PM through Chinese SNS service Weibo, and received 135,000 questions for an hour, shutting down the greatest portal site in China,”.
The servers kept going down due to the enormous amounts of questions and access to the bulletin wasn’t fluent but he proved the ‘Lee Min-ho syndrome’ by setting a record o 135,000 questions.
“Wei Pang Tan” has led various SNS interview sessions with top Chinese celebrities such as Fan Bingbing, Wei Chen, Gum Sing Mo, Aaron Kwok, Jimmy Lin, Lee Bing Bing and more.’s official Weibo said, “It’s the first time to record a number higher than 130,000. It’s hard not to admire Lee Min-ho’s unbeatable popularity. The interview wasn’t proceeded fluently as we received so many questions in a short about of time”.
Meanwhile, Lee Min-ho will be visiting China on the 25th to attend the Hyundai Motors Launching show, which he is modeling for.
Source: nate news
Translation: Hancinema
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Lee Min Ho's Social Network Updates 22.09.2011 - Special Interview with Chinese Minoz on Sina
(Oppa, Hello, kekeke...)
Answer: 안녕하세요 엄청난 한국어 실력이시군요 이제 시작합니다
let's go!!
(Helo. You Korean Language is good. Let's go!! )
(I don't know what to say ~~~ Hi~~~ Welcome 2 Shanghai!!!!!!)
Answer: Hello 上海,上海義大利麵很好吃,上海也有嗎?상하이엔드 상하이 파스타가 있나요? 중국어 총력전이 옆에 계시니 편하게 질문해 주세요..(翻譯在我旁邊,所以請大家放心,盡情發問)(Hello Shanghai, Shanghai Pasta is very nice, do you have it in Shanghai? There's a translator next to me, so don't worry, all of you can ask anything you want)
(Min Ho ssi, you're ignoring me)
Answer: 안무시 ,不會啦!
(I'm not going to do so!)
( There's so many people asking you question, can you read my message? i'm upset...)
Answer: 완전잘보여요...看的很清楚!!
(I can see it clearly!! )
(Min Ho, do you like China Minoz? )
Answer: wo ai zho gu minoz!!
(I Love China Minoz)
( I'm a third grade high school, i like you very much, i hope you can reply me, please )
Answer: 답변 달았으니 수능 잘봐요 화이팅!!我已經回覆你了,所以...你一定要考上大學喔!!
(I've reply you, you better get yourself to continue studying at the university, Fighting!! )
(Eat more tasty Chinese cuisine, Shrimps are very delicious, haha )
Answer: 무슨 새우요? 지금 한국도 새우철인데..칠리새우 있어요?한국에 있는 중국음식점엔 있어요 什麼蝦?韓國現在也是吃蝦的季節...有辣的蝦嗎?函駝的中國餐廳有賣喔!!
(What Shrimps? Now, Korea is entering shrimp-eating season, is there any spicy/hot shrimp? Chinese restaurants in Korea is selling it!! )
(Perseverance bring high victory, Min Ho oppa, could you please reply my once? i really like you really much.)
Answer: 답변...하하...回覆,哈哈哈!!
(I have this thought of visiting Korea during next year's summer holiday. Part of the reason is because Lee Min Ho. Any places that Lee Min Ho want to recommend to travel? )
Answer: 한국은 요즘 날씨가 너무 좋아요..신사동 가로수길에 맛있는거 많이 있어요...韓國最近天氣很好...新沙洞樹道街有非常多好吃的東西...(The weather in Korea is pretty good recently..There's a lot of tasty food that can be found at Sinsa-dong...
(By any chance, would you go to China for drama or movie shooting? please reply me !!!!!! )
Answer: 좋은 작품만 있다면 언제든지요...只要有好的作品,就會有意願!!(If there's a good production, i'm willing to do so...)
11. Question: @撒狼黑哟SUNYE:对 @李敏镐 提问:在拍《城市猎人》时有什么好玩的事情吗?
(Any interesting thing happened during the shooting for "City Hunter?")
Answer: 코끼리가 저에게 침뺕었어요..大象對我吐了口水!!
(Elephants Spitted on me!! )
(I heard that you're going to visit ShenZhen on September??? are you coming?? Sisters (fans) have prepared their cameras as well as leave application slip!! is that a false news?? )
Answer: 가짜예요..9월26일 북경이 올해 첫 방문입니다.是假的,9月26日北京行是今年第一次的中國行!!
(It's a false news..on 26th of September i'll go to Beijing and it's my first visit to China for the year!! )
(Are you willing to cut your hair?! even though you look handsome with you current hair style, hehe...)
Answer: 조만간 머리스타일을 바꾸고 싶어요...ㅎㅎ..近期我想換一下髮型...呵呵...
(I feel like changing my hairstyle recently..hoho...)
(What would you do when you're in a bad mood?? )
Answer: 잠자요..15시간씩...ㅋㅋ..睡覺...睡上15個小時..嘻嘻!!
(Sleeping..more than 15 hours..keke..)
(What do you want to do when you come to China )
Answer: 북경에서 할수 있는 거 추천해 주세요!!請推薦給我,在北京可以做些什麼?
(Please give me some recommendations! what can i do in Beijing!! )
(Can you please come to China frequently?? )
Answer: 자주 가고 싶어요!!我也想常常去!!
(I wish that i can visit frequently!! )
Your name is 李民浩 or 李敏镐???
Answer: 한자로는 李敏鎬예요...^^..正確的漢字是"李敏鎬"
(李敏镐 is the correct Mandarin name...^^ )
(Which Football Team do you like the most?? )
Answer: 멘체스터 유나이티드...漫體斯特奈特隊!!
Answer: 멘체스터 유나이티드...漫體斯特奈特隊!!
(Manchester United...)
Answer: 일단은 3일?인데 재밌는곳 가르쳐 주면 더 있을수도 ㅋㅋㅋ...目前是三天?,但告訴我好玩的地方的話,說不定會多待幾天,呵呵.
(I planned to stay for 3 days? tell me more interesting places, maybe i'll stay longer, kekeke...)
(Last question...are you the real Lee Min Ho?? )
Answer: 아니..난 이윤성이다...不是...我是李潤成.
(No..i'm Lee Yoon Seong...)
21. Question:@真心紫衣云梦wl:向@李敏镐 提问:你喜欢K歌吗?想没想过出专辑啊?
(Do you like karaoke? have you thought about releasing your own album? )
Answer: 내 노래를 많이 좋아해 주신다면...如果你們喜歡我的歌的話...
(If you like my songs...)
(Min Ho, are you good in drinking?? saw many scenes of you drinking in the drama~ did you get drunk when you shoot for beer CF??)
Answer: 중국 술 독해요...고량주 한잔!!中國的酒很濃,高粱酒一杯!!
(China's liquor is very concentrated, a cup off gaoliang (shorgum)!!
(Oppa, is there any improvement on your Mandarin? )
Answer: 생후 삼개월 수준 ㅋㅋㅋ....出生後,三個月寶寶的水準,呵呵....(3-Month old baby level, kekeke...)
(It's a one hour interview, do you think that is too short??? )
Answer: 너무 짧아요...눈이빠질거 같아요...중국어만 잘했어도 백개는 가뿐히 대답했을텐데...많이 참여해 주셔서 셰셰!! 時間太短了...眼睛快托窗了...如果我會中文,應該可以回答一百個問題....感謝大家的參與,謝謝!!(It is too eyes are tired..if and only if i know Mandarin, i think i can answer one hundred question, thank you for your participation, thank you! )
(Today we communicate with each other importantly, i'm really happy ^_^ i'm happy to see this thing turned out, what has acquired!! )
Notifications from Sina:
:@李敏镐 微访谈今天就到此结束了,感谢大家的持续关注和热情提问。13万的提问量创有史以来最高纪录啦!不得不佩服李敏镐的无敌人气。1小时的时间实在太短,海量的问题李敏镐还没来得及回答,让我们相约下一次!另外,也祝李敏镐接下来的中国行一切顺利,在中国吃好喝好玩好工作好!
(The Interview ends today, thanks for your attention and the question. 130.000 question had marked the record in Sina Weibo Interview session. We were impressed Lee Min Ho's soaring popularity. 1 hour is too short and Min Ho didn't get to answer the questions, let's wait for the next meeting session! moreover, hope that Lee Min Ho's visit to China will be a success! )
Credits: Lee Min Ho's Official Weibo Account
BIG CREDITS: @OCHLOE for the English Translation and Iin sis, my fellow Indonesian Minoz for spreading it!! ^^
English Translation: @OCHLOE
Lee Min Ho's Social Network Updates 22.09.2011
"오랜만이예요 ㅎㅎ"
English Translation: " Long time no see (it's been a while), hohoho..."
Photo Posted:
English Translation: Monika
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Lee Min Ho updates on Weibo on 21/09/2011
Lee Min Ho: I will visit China for the launch event of Hyundai Veloster ^_^ See you on the 26th
Lee Min Ho also retweeted the tweets about weibo interview on Sept 22 and Veloster launch event on Sept 26
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Lee Min Ho to conduct Weibo Interview on Sept 22 17:00-18:00 (China Standard Time)
Lee Min Ho is one of the first Korean celebrities opening a Sina weibo account. He is now the most popular Korean male star, with nearly 2 million followers!
On Sept 22 17:00 (China Standard Time), Lee Min Ho will conduct an online interview at weibo to share his thoughts with all the fans in China.
If you want to ask him a question, you can post a tweet in sina weibo begins with 向@李敏鎬提問: , check out this link for the interview details:
Credits: ,@StarhausM
Lee Min Ho chosen to model for Hyundai ‘Veloster’ in China
“Rising Star” Lee Min-ho has been chosen to model for Hyundai’s new ‘Veloster’ in China and will start active promotional activities.
Lee Min-ho signed a contract with the Hyundai ‘Veloster’ in China, which was his sponsored car in the SBS drama “City Hunter“. Therefore, he will attend the ‘Presentation of the Veloster and Fan Meeting’ in Beijing on September 26th.
Chinese media say, “Fans are excited about Lee Min-ho‘s visit to China. We are experiencing the highest number of competitors ever to attend an event like this”. The ratio of applicants to attendees is an incredible 1000:1.
In fact, his popularity in China is unbelievable. News of his visit to China was posted on Twitter and recorded the ‘highest number of re-tweets’. He ranked number 1 for three months in row for most popular actor in a Chinese portal site. The act of becoming a ‘City Hunter wannabe’ now ranges from people of all ages from their teens upwards, and even Chinese celebrities.
Lee Min-ho‘s officials say, “After the drama “City Hunter” he has been chosen and signed for Lotte Chilsung’s Cantata, furniture brand Jang In Furniture, men’s brand Trugen and outdoor brand Eider. We have advertisement meetings planned in China so we will meet various people there before our return”.
Source: nate news
Translation: hancinema
110921 MBC Entertainment News
Friday, September 16, 2011
Lee Min Ho and SNSD’s YoonA reveal CF for ‘Eider’
The pair travelled to the States to shoot this CF, which sees them scaling an impressive rock wall. YoonA stuns with her natural beauty, while Minho showed off his athleticism in the shoot. Both stars delivered a great CF that’s sure to inspire their fans to go outdoors more.
Check it out below!
Credits: Allkpop
Lee Min Ho and SNSD's Yoona CF for "Eider" F/W 2011
30 Seconds (Min Ho and Yoona)
20 seconds (Min Ho only)
15 Seconds (Min Ho only)
Making of the CF
Credits: @Falcon1004, @Starhaus M, Meow
Meet & Greet with Lee Min Ho at Veloster Launch Event in Beijing
Hyundai Veloster Launch Event
Meet & Greet with Lee Min Ho!
Date & Time: 26 September 2011 19:00-21:30
Venue: T-Space, the Art Square, Chaoyang Park (Sun-Park), Beijing
Program rundown:
Part 1
19:00 – 20:00
Event Opening, T ROAD OPEN B BOY performance
Lee Min Ho grand appearance with Veloster
Part 2
20:00 – 21:00
DJ & DANCE TEAM performance
DJ & Fashion model performance
Part 3
21:00 – 21:30
Lee Min Ho mini fanmeeting & interactive games
DJ show & cocktail
* Exact rundown depends on actual situation
No. of participants to be recruited: 300pax.
Event Participants may have a chance to win:
- Lee Min Ho autographed Veloster model car (5 sets)
- Lee Min Ho autographed “City Hunter” OST CD
* ALL participating guests will get a Lee Min Ho autographed poster
Click here to register for the event
"Boys Over Flowers" is Popular in North Korea
The Korean Wave is even reaching North Korea. On September 15, the RFA reported that “Boys Over Flowers” is currently very popular amongst middle school, high school, and college students in North Korea.
According to the broadcast, currently in North Korea there are only 21 episodes of the 25 that are being circulated in North Korea. Currently people are frantically looking for the final four episodes. It was said on the broadcast, “People that are selling Korean films illegally are trying hard to obtain the last episodes of ‘Boys Over Flowers’ but they aren’t having much luck. Whoever obtains the episodes and begins distributing them will make a lot of money.”
Also interesting is the fact that the RFA reported that amongst middle school and high school students, the hairstyles of the main characters are very popular. They have made names for the hairstyles, “Goo Joon Pyo Hair” and “Yoon Ji Hu Hair.”
The female character, Geum Jan Di’s dress is also so popular that it is hard to buy any dresses that are similar because they are all being sold out.
“Boys Over Flowers” was a popular drama in 2009 that described the story of four rich “Flower Boys” and an average girl.
Credits: Soompi
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Lee Min Ho to attend Veloster launch event in Beijing
So Lee Min Ho will be travelling to China this time, will update on this event if more information available.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
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